Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday - Almost Weekend!

I did it. Two days without dessert! I am going to do some baking on Friday, (remember I said until Friday dammit!). I think I also did well eating wise except..well..I had to take the kids to McDonalds. Its so damn hot, and little Jake really wanted to do something, (its frustrating watching older brother play outside when you can't), so, as I had to run errands, I promised the little guys I would take them to Mcdonald's to play. Alex moaned and groaned as he does not like McDonald's food, (which I completely understand). However, McDonald's has me by the...(I won't say, but you know), as they are the only place with an indoor playground thats free. Anyway, we went. Alex wanted the Chicken Select, not a Happy Meal. But, I knew he wanted a toy and rather than spend extra money on a Happy Meal toy, I got the Happy Meal. Both boys had apples, I had crappy fries. Normally I like McDonald fries...when they cook them right! Anyway, that was my only eating problem...other than I also ate an extra slice of French Bread at dinner. Again, today I will not eat dessert. I will eat smaller portions at dinner time. And I will eat more fruit. Yesterday's food:
  • 2 cups of coffee
  • Breakfast Protein Smoothie
  • chicken nuggets, fries, diet coke
  • peach
  • ice tea
  • sour cream/onion potato chips (okay, not the best choice..munchy monster)
  • spaghetti
  • salad w/ homemade ranch dressing
  • 2 1/2 slices of french bread

Hmmm..potato chips were not the best choice. Need to invest in pretzels or something. Today, I think I will try to have more dairy, too.

1 comment:

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

we all have to have mcdonalds now and then.

thanks for the comment you left on my blog. as far as commenting to the comments on my blog have not really thought about it.

hope you have a great FRIDAY!!