Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weight Gain


What the heck! I know I was eating healthy last week. Why did I gain weight? I also excercised good, too! I am a little frustrated today, but I will keep exercising in hopes it gets better!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14 - Check In

No weight change since last week. But, feeling better and my stomach doesn't look so jiggly! Ate much healthier over the week.

Starting A New Year With A New Tool

Ken and I promised to not buy each other a Christmas present this year. Which is fine as I would rather spend money during our vacation. However, I decided to buy myself a present this year and bought myself 'The Wave' by The Firm, Inc. Here's a link:

So, once Ken started back to work, I started using it. I am so glad we get up so early in the morning. This gives me enough time to work out and then still have computer and coffee time! This is the second full week that I have used it and I am already feeling better and a little more tone..not a lot but a little. I am also sore, which means something is getting used! When I'm done, I am so sweaty so I know I'm working my cardio like I'm supposed to.

The best thing about it is that it's not hurting my back. I used the Firm system before with the steps...and my back would hurt for a long time! This new system is a lot more gentle on my back as the step portion is not that big. I also have fun with it!

I like the fact each session is 30 minutes max...the express ones are like 15 minutes. Perfect for excuses to not excercies, (and trust me, I've thought of all of them!). I am incorporating my Wii Fit with this...on days off I do yoga and the Wii Fit helps keep track of my weight.

Overall, I am very happy with my purchase. I'm excited to find out what happens to my body after a month! I will be interrupted with our vacation, but still plan on excercising while we're on vacation to make up for my lost time!

So, as I've said steps. The weight watchers thing wasn't working for me. The holidays didn't help one bit! But, my thought is excercise and the others will come about, (I've already noticed that I am eating less during the day and eating better). I also cut out my beer, (helps that I don't have any). So, I plan to check in here everyday and post my weight. Let's see how this goes!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Yoga is Working

Yesterday was a great day for me in the fact that I got a pretty good workout without working out! I had to help clean out the PTA shed...something that hadn't been done in years...yes years, (pretty sad that they had graduation stuff from 1990...I was just starting HighSchool in 1990!). Plus, I went to the Napa Farmer's I burned 9 points yesterday! Good thing because I ended up having french of my food vices. But, I was really proud of myself..I said NO to beer at the Farmer's Market...even though I really, really, really, really wanted one. Unfortutnately, I know I will make up for it on Saturday. My son is having his birthday party on Saturday and Ken's brother is coming down. Guaranteed, I will be pounding a few Heff's on Saturday evening, (plus there's cake...who can say no to birthday cake?!?)!

One of my issues with working out, (or causes to not work out), is my back. I have scoliosis in my lower spine, which means my back is very crooked. It's something that i have dealt with since I was 4. Since having children, my back is always sore. ABout the only thing that really helped was going to a chiropractor to get adjusted now and then. I've been due for an adjustment for about 2 months now, but haven't had time to go, (I hate taking my kids to the doctor with me). So, I have gotten a few massages and that has helped. plus, I can sometimes adjust myself on my own with a series of stretches or back pops. Last few weeks have been really pain is now in my hips so if I run or jump the wrong way, a shooting pain flares in my pelvic region...seriously stops me in my tracks! Well, this whole week, I have really dedicated myself to the Wii Fit...especially the yoga excercises. And, I'll be damn if the yoga isn't helping my back! I woke up really stiff this morning, could barely bend over. After 30 minutes of yoga, my back feels way better! This is definitely going to help me stick to the Wii Fit because it diminishes my pain! So, triple kudos to nintendo for helping my back!!!

Oh..and super great news...I am at 170.2...yes almost below 170!!! My two weeks of food focus is paying off! Wish me luck next week as I will be in potato country, (aaahhh!!!) =)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good Choices

I was so proud of myself last night! First off, I ate a lot of healthy things yesterday...keeping my point level down. The point level is so hard...especially when I think I am eating healthy and find that it wasn't so healthy of a choice! However, I stuck to my guns yesterday and only had 2.5 points left after dinner!

My second milestone was that I made a choice to walk rather than ride. I had a PTA meeting last night. I live fairly close to the school, so I planned on walking. My neighbor was also going to the same meeting, so she offered to drive. I declined, apologizing for declining, but explaining to her that I really needed to walk. She thought about it, and decided she really needed to walk too. So we walked together! Anyway, I felt pretty good about the whole deal!

I did end up rewarding myself last night. After the meeting, and going all day on mainly fruits and vegetables, I rewarded myself with a Schwan's Dessert For One Strawberry Shortcake! It was soo good...dessert tastes so much better when you have earned it. Of course, I then went over on my points, but that's okay. The important thing is to conciously change my habits! Cross your fingers that I stick with it.

This morning was my Wii Fit morning and my habits paid off! Lost 3 pounds! HOO-RAH!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Winning Outcome

I have started to explore the Weight Watchers website and feel that in order to succeed in this program, (and, most importantly, to get my money's worth), I need to utilize the tools that Weight Watchers has provided me. So, the first step is to come up with a Winning Outcome. Essentially, I need to concentrate and think about my weight loss goals and change in lifestyle and write down what it is that I want to accomplish.

What do I really want? I really want to be able to fit comfortably in my clothes. I really want to be at a healthy weight. I do not want to be considered overweight. I want to look at my body and smile. I secretly want to be a MILF, (I embarrassing...but hey..I'm young, I can think that). But, overall, I want to break the 170 mark, I want to feel good when I move, I want my back to feel better, I want my legs to be toned, and I want to give myself a healthy start before I hit 40!

Now, I need to be a bit more specific. I know I want to lose weight and I know why I want to lose weight..but how am I going to do this? What goals am I going to set for myself? Can I make this a positive change or a negative change? Can I avoid temptation?

Okay, so, ideally I would like to weigh 155. It is a healthy weight that I am comfortable with and I know it is attainable. I haven't weight 155 since I was 23! That's 10 years ago!!! Kind of shocking to think about. My problem has been that I have adapted to my weight fluctuation. Of course, I was pregnant 3 times since the age of 23, but that is no longer an excuse. One of the reasons I wanted to stop having babies is that I want my body back! Now that I have it back, I haven't taken care of it. I remember when i was studying Mormonism that I learned that my body is my temple. Regardless of religious prefrences, it is a very true statement. Watching elderly people, I realize that the choices I make now will greatly impact my life in the future.

With this in mind, I need to focus on my weight goals instead of going into it half ass, (I am notorious for half assness!).

For the next 3 months, (that's how long my membership is for right now), I plan on utilizing the tools weight watchers have given to me, focus on my food intake, and work on doing some kind of activity once a day. By implenting these three things, I feel that I can reach my first major goal...break the 170 barrier! I also know that by concentrating on these three things, I will also help my family eat healthier and become more active as well!

How will I fit this change into my lifestyle?
Eating healthier - I will eat my required ration of fruits and vegetables every day! I will munch on carrots, grapes, and berries when i crave sweet and crunchy things. I will substitute fruits in my snacking regimine. Every other night, dessert will be some kind of fruit!
Activity Level - if I am unable to excercise for a day, I will at least walk the dog for 20 to 30 minutes. One of my problems is that I am not as active as I was 2 years ago. If I can't walk the dog, I will do the Wii Fit or basic excercises that I learned from the Abs Diet book. Everyday must be at least sit-ups! No excuses!!!
Weight Watcher Tools - Every day must be tracking food. Even when I'm on vacation, I must find a way to catalog and journal my food intake. Camping is no longer an excuse! Try to read and do something weight watcher like every week.