Friday, August 1, 2008

Yoga is Working

Yesterday was a great day for me in the fact that I got a pretty good workout without working out! I had to help clean out the PTA shed...something that hadn't been done in years...yes years, (pretty sad that they had graduation stuff from 1990...I was just starting HighSchool in 1990!). Plus, I went to the Napa Farmer's I burned 9 points yesterday! Good thing because I ended up having french of my food vices. But, I was really proud of myself..I said NO to beer at the Farmer's Market...even though I really, really, really, really wanted one. Unfortutnately, I know I will make up for it on Saturday. My son is having his birthday party on Saturday and Ken's brother is coming down. Guaranteed, I will be pounding a few Heff's on Saturday evening, (plus there's cake...who can say no to birthday cake?!?)!

One of my issues with working out, (or causes to not work out), is my back. I have scoliosis in my lower spine, which means my back is very crooked. It's something that i have dealt with since I was 4. Since having children, my back is always sore. ABout the only thing that really helped was going to a chiropractor to get adjusted now and then. I've been due for an adjustment for about 2 months now, but haven't had time to go, (I hate taking my kids to the doctor with me). So, I have gotten a few massages and that has helped. plus, I can sometimes adjust myself on my own with a series of stretches or back pops. Last few weeks have been really pain is now in my hips so if I run or jump the wrong way, a shooting pain flares in my pelvic region...seriously stops me in my tracks! Well, this whole week, I have really dedicated myself to the Wii Fit...especially the yoga excercises. And, I'll be damn if the yoga isn't helping my back! I woke up really stiff this morning, could barely bend over. After 30 minutes of yoga, my back feels way better! This is definitely going to help me stick to the Wii Fit because it diminishes my pain! So, triple kudos to nintendo for helping my back!!!

Oh..and super great news...I am at 170.2...yes almost below 170!!! My two weeks of food focus is paying off! Wish me luck next week as I will be in potato country, (aaahhh!!!) =)

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